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Defending Freedom



Be Informed. Take Action.

I began this newsletter because it's my way of fighting for  my little grandchildren's lives. I want them to be able to have the freedoms that I have enjoyed in my lifetime and unfortunately took for granted.

My goal is to inform and educate (without censorship) so you can knowledgeably talk  with your friends and family. As I've watched things devolve more and more into tyranny,  I'm convinced more than ever that we need to connect with each other in community. We need to take action as often as we are able.  I provide the information, the events, the resources and the action items needed for change. 

Please join us by signing up below. We need each other more than ever! What we can't do as one person, we can do TOGETHER!

Defending freedom with you, 
Kathy Keller

P.S. I am currently working on adding Resource Pages (see below) for people who are having trouble finding medical help, legal help, information on vaccines to share with others, etc. It should be up and running in January, 2022.







Patriot Post


"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
(Declaration of Independence)


Declaration of Independence

The Bill of Rights


Wisconsin's Open Meeting / Open Records Law


The Nuremberg Code and Why It Matters


Toward a One World Government